Rattlesnake Business Pens


There is something very Texan about a cowboy using the hide of the critter that tried to kill him. These Texas Grande rattlesnake business pens are made from genuine rattlesnake skins. Each hand made custom pen is finished using high grade Taiwanese and German pen components and fitted with a ballpoint pen refill.

One of the more unique custom pens found in our Texas Gift Pen Shop, the skins are sealed in a special resin which is then hand turned to showcase this Texas varmint. The Texas rattlesnake skins used in these luxury pens are all natural and as such no two patterns or custom pen will be identical. Standard Parker® ballpoint pen refills normally stocked at your local office products store fit this business pen.

Hand turned in Texas, these rattlesnake business pens combine genuine snake skin with a chrome gold finish pen mechanism. These snakeskin writing pens come in a rich velour drawstring pouch. While this pen comes with a ballpoint refill, the local office supply may carry refills to convert your Texas custom pen to a roller or gel pen style.

Due to the multi-color nature of this pen, we do not normally recommend engraving name or company logo directly on this pen. That said, if you want engraving directly on the snake skin pen barrel, we can do it. Our suggestion is consider our rosewood presentation box, available as an optional upgrade if you want a companion personalized accessory (Please refer to the link below for the presentation box details).


Usually ships in five days. Call for ship time on large orders.


Usually ships USPS


Made In

Texas USA

Volume Pricing

Yes, for details please contact us at 877.892.7299 so we can help you with your project.

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Rattlesnake Business Pens